I've mentioned a few times how much I love pork. Especially how versatile it is. Whether you want something fatty or something lean and light, pork has it all. For a big crowd you can't beat a rolled porchetta cooked on the rotisserie. Tasty, moist pork goodness.

I should probably mention that I put a video of me cutting a porchetta on Tik Tok and received a MASSIVE reaction of wannabe chefs exclaiming the dangers of pink pork. One claimed that I would be lucky to escape a dose of tape worm.

Pork historically has this bad reputation going back to the days of old. I can recall many times when I have been served rock hard pork chops by my older generation relatives. The case today however is - if you know that your pork has been sourced from a reputable farmer and reaches an internal temperature of 63C you are good to go. No tapeworms, I promise.

Course Main Course
Keyword barbecue, main, meat dust, porchetta, pork
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Resting time 30 minutes
Author jacksmeatshack


  • 2 kg pre rolled porchetta joint Ask any butcher to roll this for you - it's worth it


  1. Preheat the rotisserie grill to 160C.

  2. Pierce the pork through the centre with the rotisserie spike.

  3. Secure in place with rotisserie forks.

  4. Place the pork on the rotisserie on indirect heat and set to spin. This will prevent a towering inferno of pork flames.

  5. Check the pork every 30 minutes or so. If the skin is becoming black, move some of the coals further away from the pork.

  6. After approximately 2 hours check the internal temperature of the pork. Continue to check every half an hour until the internal temperature reaches 63C.

  7. At this stage, if you are a fan of crispy crackling... (Who isn't?!) increase the temperature to 230C and blast the outer layer for 15 minutes for the perfect crack.

  8. Remove the pork and allow to rest for 30 minutes.

  9. Cut the pork into slices and enjoy with fresh bread, apple sauce or even as a fabulous alternative roast dinner!